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E-book or physical book?
Physical book, every time! While I do like the idea of e-books, and I do read e-books occasionally, there's nothing that can compare to the experience of reading a physical book.
Paperback or hardback?
Paperback! Hardbacks are beautiful, but paperbacks are so much easier to read, and frankly, far less painful to hold in one hand (while the other hand is occupied with a mug of tea.) I especially love the floppy sort of paperbacks.
Online or in-store book shopping?
In-store! Especially in used bookstores. It feels like I'm treasure-hunting, and I love it so much more than just picking out a book on Amazon.
Trilogies or series?
Either. I honestly don't have much of a preference. (Though I will say, if a series has sixteen books, I would hope those sixteen books all add something to the story and aren't just there to take up space.)
Heroes or villains?
Heroes! A few years ago, I totally would have answered villains, but now, I'm all for reading about heroes. People who aren't necessarily perfect, but are actively trying to better themselves and help people... these are the characters I can admire and root for.
A book you want everyone to read?
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Seriously, everyone needs to read this incredible, incredible book. The characters and the plot and the worldbuilding and the themes are all so amazing and perfect and I just love this book so much.
Recommend an underrated book?
This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab isn't exactly underrated, but I do feel like it gets overlooked in comparison to Schwab's adult books. However, This Savage Song is an amazing, gorgeously written story with wonderful characters and just the right amount of scary.
The last book you finished?
We Need to Talk by Celeste Headlee. This is a nonfiction book about the power of conversation and how to become a better conversationalist. It was a great, overall quick read that I'm very glad I picked up.
The last book you bought?
I... can't really remember exactly what the last book I bought was. I think it might have been There Will Come a Darkness by Katy Rose Pool.
Weirdest thing you've used as a bookmark?
I've used post-it notes before, as well as random papers and notes that I have lying around. Basically the closest thing that comes to hand.
Used books: yes or no?
Yes, yes, and yes! Used books are some of my favorite things for so many reasons. Number one, they're much cheaper. (The price of new books makes my bookworm heart cry.) Number two, they're way more environmental. (Those books didn't end up in the landfill! Whoo!) Plus, I've found some really interesting things inside used books. Everything from notes about the book itself to a random photo of a random person. It's interesting, if nothing else. :P
Top three favorite genres?
Fantasy, science fiction, and young adult.
Borrow or buy?
Buy. I love borrowing books (I mean, I work as a librarian, why would I be against borrowing books?) but there's something about owning books that makes me happy.
Characters or plot?
If I had to choose, characters. But plot is important, too, guys. No excuses for a weak plot! *shakes finger*
Long or short books?
Either works for me! Some of my favorite books are over 1000 pages, and sometimes I struggle to get through a 300 page YA novel. It depends on the story, the pacing, and the author's writing style for me, more than the length of the book.
Long or short chapters?
Short chapters all the way. I like being able to quickly read a chapter between other tasks, plus the story feels like it's moving faster if there are lots of short chapters (a book I can think of off the top of my head that has really good short chapters is Vicious by V.E. Schwab.)
And long chapters can drive me crazy. (I'm looking at you, Wylan's POVs in Crooked Kingdom.)
Name the first three books you think of:
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
Laugh or cry?
Both. If a book makes me laugh or cry, I know it's a new favorite. But if I had to choose, probably cry. The ending of The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson had me crying the most I've ever cried reading a book, and it's one of my favorite books of all time. That and The Book Thief. Which also made me cry.
Our world or fictional worlds?
Fictional worlds, of course. I'd love to be able to go to Middle Earth, or explore Roshar. Though I would think twice before visiting Panem. :P
Audiobooks: yes or no?
I like the idea of audiobooks, but I tend to zone out of them. It's more my fault than the fault of audiobooks, though. And I do love audiobooks if they're full cast. :)
Do you ever judge a book by its cover?
Yes. Sadly, yes. I know it's something we're always told not to do, but I'm infinitely more likely to pick up a book if it has a pretty cover.
Book to movie or book to TV adaptations?
Book to TV because I'm holding out hope for a Stormlight Archive TV series. I also really enjoyed the A Series of Unfortunate Events Netflix adaptation.
A movie or TV show you preferred to the book?
The Lord of the Rings. I've talked about this before on here, but basically, I enjoyed the story more. I felt closer to the characters, and fell in love with Tolkien's world through those movies. The books are good, but they're very dense, and honestly not enjoyable to read.
Series or standalones?
Series in general. Though I do love a good standalone if I'm in the mood for one.
And now for the tags! I tag:
Mem at Music, Mystery, Middle Earth, and Mitochondria
Lee at Arachne Reads
And if you think this tag looks like fun, go ahead and consider yourself tagged! Bookworms, let me know some of your answers to the questions in the comments! I'd love to chat with you all! :)
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