Saturday, August 17, 2019

YA Retellings of Fairy Tales

When I started researching for this post, I realized just how few retellings I've read that are actually retellings of fairy tales. In fact, just looking at a list of teen fairy tale retellings on Goodreads shows maybe four series I've even heard of before! (Any authors reading this, well-written teen fairy tale retellings are apparently in short supply.)
That being said, I did manage to come up with a decent sized list.

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (Cinderella; Little Red Riding Hood; Rapunzel; Snow White)

Image courtesy of Goodreads

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times: the Lunar Chronicles is a fantastic book series on so many different levels. Not only does it have great characters, an engaging plot, and an interesting storyworld, but all four books are based on a famous fairy tale! I loved seeing the way the different plot elements from the original fairy tales played out in the books. 

Spindle's End by Robin McKinley (Sleeping Beauty)

Image courtesy of Goodreads

I read this book ages ago, but I do remember enjoying it. The romance, in particular, satisfied me so much I actually wrote "Best Romance" on a sticky note and had it stuck to the front of the book for a while -- don't ask why, I honestly don't know why I found it necessary.
The book itself is slower paced, and as I remember, rather rambly, so it may not appeal to everyone. However, I enjoyed it -- the writing style fit the overall feel of the story, and so I feel that while the style wouldn't work for just any story, it did work for this one. 

The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale (The Goose Girl)

Image courtesy of Goodreads

This book has been on my to be read list for far too long. After all, it retells one of my favorite more obscure fairy tales -- "The Goose Girl". 
I'm excited to see how the original plot will come into play in the retelling. 

Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge (Little Red Riding Hood)

Image courtesy of Goodreads

This is another book that I've placed on my ever increasing to be read list. I read the Goodreads blurb and was intrigued. A dark retelling of "Little Red Riding Hood"? Count me in! 
The author has also written another standalone novel based on "Sleeping Beauty", called Cruel Beauty, so if I enjoy Crimson Bound, I might give that one a try, too.

And that about wraps it up! Have you read any of the books on this list? Have you read any other teen fairy tale retellings that I haven't included here? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Ooh, that Marissa Myer book series is on my TBR list! :-D It looks really cool.

    1. It is an amazing series! I've read them all twice now, and am considering a third read through. If only I didn't have so many new books to read. :P


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